Linggo, Pebrero 5, 2012

Internet Dating Tips on Having Successful Blind Dates

MenBlindDate1 300x200 Internet Dating Tips on Having Successful Blind Dates

Just a few years ago, Internet dating appeared to have been a heavenly gift from the gods of matchmaking.  Where else could a single woman have access to millions of eligible bachelors?  Unfortunately, a lot of men currently misrepresent themselves when Internet dating.  That’s why women are starting to get burned out of the online mating game.
As a result, more women are now sticking to the adage “everything old is new again” and are opting to being set up.  Although blind dates can produce good results, there is also potential for failure.  What happens is friends or family will set up two people just because they are both young and single, without really considering compatibility.  So, to have a successful matchup when going on a blind date, follow these tips.
  • Be Clear and Specific on Your Criteria
Matchmakers should be guided when they are trying to think of someone you might like.  You have to be detailed and precise with what you’re looking for and what you’re not.  If you’re having difficulty determining the specifics, think about the traits you’ve loved with your exes.  You can even include the admirable qualities of your friends’ boyfriends.
  • Select the Right Matchmaker
You have to know that blind dating is a numbers game.  Having more options means higher chances of landing a great guy, so you have to put the word out that you’re single, available and looking.  Many women fear that if they asked to be set up, they might come across as desperate.  This, however, is far from the truth.  By asking to be introduced, you’re sending the message that you want to meet men smartly, and not just settle for any random guy you come across in a bar.
This is where it can get a bit tricky:  You want to network but you still want to be selective on who’s setting you up.  Obviously, your close group of friends knows your situation, so it’s unlikely you’ll meet somebody new through them.  What you need to do is cast a wider net, although still be selective.
  • Get the Dirt on the Man
Once everything is set up, potential partners should start hitting you up.  Just remember that you’re not required to go out with every available prospect that comes along, so screen out guys who are not qualified.  Try to find out if he is looking to be in a relationship or just playing the field.  Another way is through knowing what he does during his down time, which can reveal a lot about his personality and lifestyle.

Lunes, Enero 30, 2012

How to Impress on Your First Date with Hot Girls in Style

firstdate 291 20090127 142044 How to Impress on Your First Date with Hot Girls in Style

You should look good always and everywhere, and there are exactly six days a week when it really matters.  Five of the six include a nine-to-five workweek, which can be pretty tough.  But the sixth is supposed to be date night, when looking your best is of utmost importance.  This is especially true when it happens to be first date night.  Because making a good impression, like a nice outfit, is quite hard to make.  But when your etiquette perfectly matches your outfit, good things can happen.  The first thing you need to know is how you present yourself to hot girls shows your level of respect for them.  Here are a few more things you need to know.
  •  Hot girls are obsessed with footwear.  Not just their shoes and shoes of fellow hot girls, but your shoes.  So put on nice ones, because her judgment on them cannot be avoided.  Make sure you pick a pair appropriate for the time, occasion and venue you plan to go to.

  •  Going out with hot girls, especially for the first time, should be considered a special occasion, so dress up for it.  You can stop worrying about which tie to wear, but don’t pass on the jacket.
  •  But if you plan to go to a place that requires a tie, then wear one.  But it would be prudent to check first you wouldn’t want to be overdressed.

  •  Don’t wear a suit.  You think this may be counterintuitive, but consider this:  If you are going to the opera, this is fine, and probably the theater.  Otherwise, you’ll be channeling an uptight impression.  Your suits may be the nicest clothes you own, but they are for work.  Your goal is to convey leisure or at least the illusion of it, and separates or maybe a nice sweater can do just that.

  •  Wear clothes that fit you perfectly.  Wearing form-fitting threads is a must, now more than ever.  Your ultimate goal is to see each other naked, so might as well give her a good approximation of what’s underneath.

  •  In grooming yourself properly, make sure you clip your nails and wash your hair.  Hot girls always check the small details.  They look at a man’s hands more than a man looks at his, so make sure yours are neat and presentable.  They will also notice those flakes on your shoulders too, so make good use of that anti-dandruff shampoo.

  •  Go easy on the cologne.  Of course, hot girls like it when you smell nice, but there is no need to murder the olfactory senses of these women.

  •  Set your mobile phone on silent mode, and avoid using it while the date is ongoing.

Linggo, Disyembre 18, 2011

A Survival Guide on Meeting Your Adult Dating Partner’s Family for the First Time

Now that the holiday season is upon us, a lot of you guys will be meeting your adult dating partner’s family for the first time. From huge gatherings to casual dinners with the immediate family, here are a few essential tips on how to establish a good first impression, regardless of the situation.

• Go for a classic style

It may be perfectly acceptable to have Thanksgiving dinner in your folks’ place prancing around in sweats, but no father wants to think his darling daughter is adult dating a bum. Go for a classic style, which means no sweats and graphic t-shirts. Denims and a sports jacket work everywhere. Always be clean-shaven from the neck up even if she likes the scruff, and spray on cologne so you can smell good when giving out warm hugs.

• Don’t show up empty handed

My mom always told me, “Never show up at a dinner party empty handed—especially during the holidays. So, for her mom, try giving a special dish or dessert, and have a nice story behind it. It may be an old family recipe handed down from generations, or something that came from this nice little Italian pastry shop you just discovered.

• Jump on the campaign trail

Of course, you know that your job here is let the whole family think you’re a good guy. In this regard, remember to shake hands, kiss those babies and the grannies. Always keep in mind that moms like a sweetheart and dads approve of a gentleman. Make sure you be both.

• Have something to say

This is not the right time to be shy or just sit in one corner. Join in on conversations and have your own stories to add. Just leave out the story about your frat brother, Skid Mark, who could drown a can of beer then immediately smash the empty can on his forehead.

• Always offer to lend a hand

Women’s work: These are the two words that shall not, under any circumstances, be uttered while you’re there. Early on, ask if you can help around, especially in the kitchen. When dinner is done, offer to help wash and dry the dishes and take out the trash. It is more likely for them to say no, in which case you can move on to the living room to mingle with the dad and uncles.

Lunes, Nobyembre 21, 2011

Hookup Dating Mantras to Abide By

Before we proceed, what exactly is a mantra? According to the Oxford American dictionary, it is a Buddhist or Hindu invocation. Wikipedia tells us it is used to create spiritual transformation. Therefore, this article is not meant to give you a bunch of hookup dating rules or guidelines. Right now, we’ll be taking up mantras.

So now the question is, what would I chant to myself so I could feel happy, healthy, cleansed, peaceful and centered? Hopefully, the mantras listed here will help you achieve peace, and allow you to put hookup dating in perspective.

• I cannot control his behavior; I can only control my reaction to it. You’ve been trying to call him and you don’t know his whereabouts. You can’t attach a GPS to him just to know where he is at all times. In the same sense, you cannot make somebody care for you or even love you. What you can do, however, is not to leave a ton of consecutive voicemails of a psychotic or mean-spirited nature. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, repeatedly say this mantra and go for a walk. Once you realize these things are out of your control, you’ll definitely feel better.

• I am a human being worthy of love. Nuff said.

• Everyone has the responsibility to guard his or her own heart. This does not mean to put up walls around your heart; it means you should be realistic. You cannot tell what the future holds. Guarding your heart means setting realistic expectations, taking responsibility of your own behavior and accepting the fact that things do not always go your way. The last one is quite impossible, because that can only happen in a perfect world.

• Bigger picture, bigger picture. Quit sweating the small stuff and go back to bed.

• I am fortunate to be alive. This combo breaker had to be put in—this list was starting to get depressing. But this is essential when you’re feeling down about a guy. It’s really good to remember how fortunate you are.

• It’s fine to be sad. It’s a real and valid emotion. It’s fine to go there, so allow yourself to feel this. Mourn the passing of a relationship then get back on your feet and start being happy again.

• This too shall pass. It’s unreal to feel bad on a permanent basis.

• Everything will work out fine in the end. Is this a known fact? No, it’s not. Things could end up horrendously. But when you’re 78 years old and most likely miserable, you could stick to this mantra, and then at 80, find a hottie at the home for seniors and finally say it “worked out in the end.” Nobody knows when the end is, but telling yourself everything’s going to be fine will make you feel less anxious of the future.

Martes, Nobyembre 15, 2011

What Not to Say to a Thirty Something Woman from a One Night Stand Website

When looking for matches in a one night stand website, you can’t help to come across single women in their thirties. It can be quite challenging for a woman to be in her thirties. They get the feeling of accomplishment somehow, but think it is not yet enough. This feeling of “enough” is kind of hard to explain, but it may be the single most important thing that can define women in their thirties. “Enough” is not measured by the money they earn, the degree they have achieved, the number of shoes they have in their collection, or having babies—it’s something bigger.

For women who hit their thirties, they start to see two clear paths that they can take: one leads to career, and one leads to family. When some women turn thirty, this is the only time they realize the gravity of the situation being presented to them—how do they it to have both?

To give you a guide in hooking up with women in their thirties from a one night stand website, here is a guide of what NOT to say when trying to connect with them.

• “Ah, the big three-o!”

For women turning thirty, it is a milestone with no good reason. It’s just a seemingly random and frivolous occasion that makes you re-evaluate everything that you have, all the things you’ve done, all that you are, and all you wish to be. It may be serious stuff, but frankly annoying.

• “Women are like fine wine, they get better with age.”

Any jokes or statements metaphorically comparing women to fine wine should be declared illegal. Turning thirty is not the same as turning twenty-one, so this isn’t really cool.

• “Is that your biological clock I hear ticking?”

Any mention of the biological clock is a big no-no. Women are going to tell you they don’t really think about it, but in reality they all do. They are either trying to ignore it or are totally obsessing about it—or maybe a combination of both. Since they have babies on their minds during this stage, it’s not a good idea to ask about being married and planning to have a family.

• “You should really start looking after yourself.”

Do not suddenly be condescending about their health like they were eating poorly before they hit thirty. They made it to their thirties, so don’t patronize them.

Ways to Initiate Physical Contact When Hookup Dating

One cannot overlook the significance of making your first physical contact with a woman when hookup dating. Whether you are still in the early stages of hookup dating or a first meeting with a girl, physical contact is a good indication of progress. And once you’ve crossed that line, you can work on increasing the frequency, length and level of intensity of such contact. There are a variety of ways to break the touch barrier. So if you are wondering how to initiate such a move when out hookup dating, here is a short list of the best ways to do that.

• If she’s feeling cold, take her hands and rub with yours – This may be a bit cheesy, but when executed properly with a little irony, it can make for good laughs and help establish a connection. It can also send a message saying you can offer a warm and safe place for them when they feel cold.
• Brush an eyelash off her face – This is something reminiscent of those annoying romcoms, but when done properly, taking out a tiny piece of hair from her face can have a surprising effect on a woman. It can also say you’re looking out for them and even the smallest thing can’t get by you. She may laugh it off, but she will surely enjoy the skin contact.
• Hold her hand to lead her someplace – This is one of the best displays of alpha male behavior, which is also a relatively low-risk way to initiate physical contact and can be quite easy to pull off. It exhibits leadership, being protective and confidence.
• Read her palm – One of the oldest in the book, this move is full of possibilities for bold wit. When she’s looking at you while you focus on reading her palm, you can say a variety of flirtatious lines to make her laugh.
• Make contact when dancing – The beauty of this is since you are dancing, you are practically licensed to pretty much put your hands all over her. Well, almost but that shouldn’t stop you from putting your hands on her hips and get closer.
• Offer a massage – If she looks tired or stressed, position yourself to offer a back rub or a shoulder massage. She’ll be thankful for the idea and it’s the perfect time to introduce your hands and make physical contact. Just make sure you know what you are doing, because nothing spells disaster than like applying the wrong pressure on a pain-sensitive part of her body.

Top Turn Offs for Women When Hookup Dating

A single man’s goal is to land a single woman when they go hookup dating. However, no matter how overly charming, highly attractive and perfectly witty you are, women can be turned off instantly like a light bulb in a flick of a switch. Here are a few things to avoid when hookup dating with a woman so you can stop yourself from turning them off.

• Being overly intoxicated – Under the right circumstances, it is probably alright to be a little out of control when drinking—like maybe in the confines of your own home or at a bachelor’s party. Being loud and obnoxious or stumbling, slurring your words and falling all over the place are not the qualities that women go for when hookup dating.

• Negative vibes – On your first meet up, avoid throwing playful insults and just try to be sweet and charming. Refrain from criticizing other people too, even if your intention is to give her a compliment. Don’t say, “That girl’s legs are short and stubby. Yours are much nicer.” Negative statements can show you are mean, a snob, picky or simply an idiot.

• Bad pickup lines – This cannot be emphasized more. Delivering cheesy one liners when trying to pick up women just shows your lack of creativity, imagination and romance. The best way to do this is to show and make her feel you are sincerely interested, or else you’ll just be driving her away.
• Too much cologne – It is a given that you should smell good when you’re with a woman. A fragrant aftershave, cologne or deodorant is a great way to attract a female, but one spray too much can be offensive to a woman’s sense of smell.

• Expletives – A man with a dirty mouth does not make a good first impression. It is important to be a gentleman on the onset of a relationship. A potty mouth is a sign of awful manners, which is someone women wouldn’t want to spend time with.

• Bad breath – You have been pulling all the stops all night and they all seem to work on her, but you can put all your efforts in vain with bad breath. Good oral hygiene is extremely essential. Chipped and rotting teeth, chapped lips and halitosis will send her running for the hills. If your mouth isn’t clean, it will make her wonder which parts of your body aren’t too.