Linggo, Disyembre 18, 2011

A Survival Guide on Meeting Your Adult Dating Partner’s Family for the First Time

Now that the holiday season is upon us, a lot of you guys will be meeting your adult dating partner’s family for the first time. From huge gatherings to casual dinners with the immediate family, here are a few essential tips on how to establish a good first impression, regardless of the situation.

• Go for a classic style

It may be perfectly acceptable to have Thanksgiving dinner in your folks’ place prancing around in sweats, but no father wants to think his darling daughter is adult dating a bum. Go for a classic style, which means no sweats and graphic t-shirts. Denims and a sports jacket work everywhere. Always be clean-shaven from the neck up even if she likes the scruff, and spray on cologne so you can smell good when giving out warm hugs.

• Don’t show up empty handed

My mom always told me, “Never show up at a dinner party empty handed—especially during the holidays. So, for her mom, try giving a special dish or dessert, and have a nice story behind it. It may be an old family recipe handed down from generations, or something that came from this nice little Italian pastry shop you just discovered.

• Jump on the campaign trail

Of course, you know that your job here is let the whole family think you’re a good guy. In this regard, remember to shake hands, kiss those babies and the grannies. Always keep in mind that moms like a sweetheart and dads approve of a gentleman. Make sure you be both.

• Have something to say

This is not the right time to be shy or just sit in one corner. Join in on conversations and have your own stories to add. Just leave out the story about your frat brother, Skid Mark, who could drown a can of beer then immediately smash the empty can on his forehead.

• Always offer to lend a hand

Women’s work: These are the two words that shall not, under any circumstances, be uttered while you’re there. Early on, ask if you can help around, especially in the kitchen. When dinner is done, offer to help wash and dry the dishes and take out the trash. It is more likely for them to say no, in which case you can move on to the living room to mingle with the dad and uncles.

Lunes, Nobyembre 21, 2011

Hookup Dating Mantras to Abide By

Before we proceed, what exactly is a mantra? According to the Oxford American dictionary, it is a Buddhist or Hindu invocation. Wikipedia tells us it is used to create spiritual transformation. Therefore, this article is not meant to give you a bunch of hookup dating rules or guidelines. Right now, we’ll be taking up mantras.

So now the question is, what would I chant to myself so I could feel happy, healthy, cleansed, peaceful and centered? Hopefully, the mantras listed here will help you achieve peace, and allow you to put hookup dating in perspective.

• I cannot control his behavior; I can only control my reaction to it. You’ve been trying to call him and you don’t know his whereabouts. You can’t attach a GPS to him just to know where he is at all times. In the same sense, you cannot make somebody care for you or even love you. What you can do, however, is not to leave a ton of consecutive voicemails of a psychotic or mean-spirited nature. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, repeatedly say this mantra and go for a walk. Once you realize these things are out of your control, you’ll definitely feel better.

• I am a human being worthy of love. Nuff said.

• Everyone has the responsibility to guard his or her own heart. This does not mean to put up walls around your heart; it means you should be realistic. You cannot tell what the future holds. Guarding your heart means setting realistic expectations, taking responsibility of your own behavior and accepting the fact that things do not always go your way. The last one is quite impossible, because that can only happen in a perfect world.

• Bigger picture, bigger picture. Quit sweating the small stuff and go back to bed.

• I am fortunate to be alive. This combo breaker had to be put in—this list was starting to get depressing. But this is essential when you’re feeling down about a guy. It’s really good to remember how fortunate you are.

• It’s fine to be sad. It’s a real and valid emotion. It’s fine to go there, so allow yourself to feel this. Mourn the passing of a relationship then get back on your feet and start being happy again.

• This too shall pass. It’s unreal to feel bad on a permanent basis.

• Everything will work out fine in the end. Is this a known fact? No, it’s not. Things could end up horrendously. But when you’re 78 years old and most likely miserable, you could stick to this mantra, and then at 80, find a hottie at the home for seniors and finally say it “worked out in the end.” Nobody knows when the end is, but telling yourself everything’s going to be fine will make you feel less anxious of the future.

Martes, Nobyembre 15, 2011

What Not to Say to a Thirty Something Woman from a One Night Stand Website

When looking for matches in a one night stand website, you can’t help to come across single women in their thirties. It can be quite challenging for a woman to be in her thirties. They get the feeling of accomplishment somehow, but think it is not yet enough. This feeling of “enough” is kind of hard to explain, but it may be the single most important thing that can define women in their thirties. “Enough” is not measured by the money they earn, the degree they have achieved, the number of shoes they have in their collection, or having babies—it’s something bigger.

For women who hit their thirties, they start to see two clear paths that they can take: one leads to career, and one leads to family. When some women turn thirty, this is the only time they realize the gravity of the situation being presented to them—how do they it to have both?

To give you a guide in hooking up with women in their thirties from a one night stand website, here is a guide of what NOT to say when trying to connect with them.

• “Ah, the big three-o!”

For women turning thirty, it is a milestone with no good reason. It’s just a seemingly random and frivolous occasion that makes you re-evaluate everything that you have, all the things you’ve done, all that you are, and all you wish to be. It may be serious stuff, but frankly annoying.

• “Women are like fine wine, they get better with age.”

Any jokes or statements metaphorically comparing women to fine wine should be declared illegal. Turning thirty is not the same as turning twenty-one, so this isn’t really cool.

• “Is that your biological clock I hear ticking?”

Any mention of the biological clock is a big no-no. Women are going to tell you they don’t really think about it, but in reality they all do. They are either trying to ignore it or are totally obsessing about it—or maybe a combination of both. Since they have babies on their minds during this stage, it’s not a good idea to ask about being married and planning to have a family.

• “You should really start looking after yourself.”

Do not suddenly be condescending about their health like they were eating poorly before they hit thirty. They made it to their thirties, so don’t patronize them.

Ways to Initiate Physical Contact When Hookup Dating

One cannot overlook the significance of making your first physical contact with a woman when hookup dating. Whether you are still in the early stages of hookup dating or a first meeting with a girl, physical contact is a good indication of progress. And once you’ve crossed that line, you can work on increasing the frequency, length and level of intensity of such contact. There are a variety of ways to break the touch barrier. So if you are wondering how to initiate such a move when out hookup dating, here is a short list of the best ways to do that.

• If she’s feeling cold, take her hands and rub with yours – This may be a bit cheesy, but when executed properly with a little irony, it can make for good laughs and help establish a connection. It can also send a message saying you can offer a warm and safe place for them when they feel cold.
• Brush an eyelash off her face – This is something reminiscent of those annoying romcoms, but when done properly, taking out a tiny piece of hair from her face can have a surprising effect on a woman. It can also say you’re looking out for them and even the smallest thing can’t get by you. She may laugh it off, but she will surely enjoy the skin contact.
• Hold her hand to lead her someplace – This is one of the best displays of alpha male behavior, which is also a relatively low-risk way to initiate physical contact and can be quite easy to pull off. It exhibits leadership, being protective and confidence.
• Read her palm – One of the oldest in the book, this move is full of possibilities for bold wit. When she’s looking at you while you focus on reading her palm, you can say a variety of flirtatious lines to make her laugh.
• Make contact when dancing – The beauty of this is since you are dancing, you are practically licensed to pretty much put your hands all over her. Well, almost but that shouldn’t stop you from putting your hands on her hips and get closer.
• Offer a massage – If she looks tired or stressed, position yourself to offer a back rub or a shoulder massage. She’ll be thankful for the idea and it’s the perfect time to introduce your hands and make physical contact. Just make sure you know what you are doing, because nothing spells disaster than like applying the wrong pressure on a pain-sensitive part of her body.

Top Turn Offs for Women When Hookup Dating

A single man’s goal is to land a single woman when they go hookup dating. However, no matter how overly charming, highly attractive and perfectly witty you are, women can be turned off instantly like a light bulb in a flick of a switch. Here are a few things to avoid when hookup dating with a woman so you can stop yourself from turning them off.

• Being overly intoxicated – Under the right circumstances, it is probably alright to be a little out of control when drinking—like maybe in the confines of your own home or at a bachelor’s party. Being loud and obnoxious or stumbling, slurring your words and falling all over the place are not the qualities that women go for when hookup dating.

• Negative vibes – On your first meet up, avoid throwing playful insults and just try to be sweet and charming. Refrain from criticizing other people too, even if your intention is to give her a compliment. Don’t say, “That girl’s legs are short and stubby. Yours are much nicer.” Negative statements can show you are mean, a snob, picky or simply an idiot.

• Bad pickup lines – This cannot be emphasized more. Delivering cheesy one liners when trying to pick up women just shows your lack of creativity, imagination and romance. The best way to do this is to show and make her feel you are sincerely interested, or else you’ll just be driving her away.
• Too much cologne – It is a given that you should smell good when you’re with a woman. A fragrant aftershave, cologne or deodorant is a great way to attract a female, but one spray too much can be offensive to a woman’s sense of smell.

• Expletives – A man with a dirty mouth does not make a good first impression. It is important to be a gentleman on the onset of a relationship. A potty mouth is a sign of awful manners, which is someone women wouldn’t want to spend time with.

• Bad breath – You have been pulling all the stops all night and they all seem to work on her, but you can put all your efforts in vain with bad breath. Good oral hygiene is extremely essential. Chipped and rotting teeth, chapped lips and halitosis will send her running for the hills. If your mouth isn’t clean, it will make her wonder which parts of your body aren’t too.

Top Signs the Girl from a One Night Stand Website Is into You

First impressions on people are generally based on non-verbal signs. According to the Social Issues Research Center, human communication is made up of 55% non-verbal, 38% using signals, and 7% has anything to do with what you actually say. This leads to the conclusion that to know if a girl from a one night stand website is into you, you should keenly observe her non-verbal signals. Here are proven ways that girls consciously, and sometimes unwittingly, let you know they are interested. Look out for them and watch your dating life unfold.

• Touching and flicking of hair – For more than four decades, scientists have been studying non-verbal behaviors of women to let men know they are interested. One essential category of flirting is called kinetic gestures, which includes the oldest trick in the book—the proverbial hair toss. But while a casual and seductive hair toss can be a signal of letting you know she enjoys your company, too much can mean she’s just nervous or not sure about you.

• Licking of lips – This is another kinetic gesture that girls do unwittingly to show they’re into you. This sign may be an indication that they want to draw attention to their lips and may have the desire to liplock. You should exercise caution though, to avoid creating an embarrassing and awkward moment. Too much lip licking can be an indication of a bad habit.

• Teasing – When we were kids, the one way of showing a girl that you liked her was by throwing insults her way or stuffing dirt in her clothes. Now, consider teasing the adult version of this behavior. Don’t be too sensitive about it though. That girl you want to hook up with from a one night stand website might just be testing your level of interest.

• A friendly response to your messages – A curt response to your messages is one way of shutting you down. However, a friendly and smiling response is a sign of wanting to have further conversation. To get quality time to your next search on a one night stand website, ask questions that are easy to answer so they can respond simply. Through their responses, you’ll know if they are interested.

• She shares back – Once you have a good conversation going on, take it to the next level by sharing something a bit intimate to her. You should keep one thing in mind though—the less you know her, the more positive and less personal the information you should share, unless you want to scare her off. If this is reciprocated, it is a sign she sees you in a more favorable light. Capitalize.

• Open postures – This applies to both men and women. We send signals by changing the posture and orientation or our bodies. If she is turned away from you, especially at a 90 degree angle, this is a sign she is non-verbally shutting off your attempts to get to know her. Her arms crossed on her chest and when she is trying to lean away from you are also similar signs of this. Receptive signs show postures that are open and welcoming like having her torso face you, arms uncrossed and her body leaning towards you.

Tips When Dating Through an Online Dating Web site

If you have decided to make the jump and have opened your doors to dating through an online dating web site, here are four very helpful tips to make a good impression and bring your A game.

1. Use a mature screen name.

BigLebowski9inch may sound clever to you, but it’s highly unlikely SweetPea26 will want nothing to do with a guy who feels the need to let everybody know at an online dating website, especially when you're probably not even close to even a four.

Have fun and be creative with your screen name. However, refrain from being arrogant or cocky. Avoid using names that refer to wealth or immaturity. Select names that are catchy and easy to remember. You should think of a name that gives an indication of who you are or what you are all about. For instance, if you play in a band and are a culinary expert, your screen name could be BassPlayingChef. Right off the bat, you get a sense of what this person is all about. Remember that this is a name that can stick to you as a nickname, so don’t go for names like MommasBoy or IAmKingKong.

2. Use a nice high-quality profile picture.

An online dating web site profile without a photo says two things: You are either unattractive or you’re in a relationship. Of course, people looking for a potential partner would want to see your face, so shots with sunglasses and/or headgear that may hide even part of your face might as well not even be displayed. A cap can make her reach an assumption that you may have a balding problem that you are trying to hide. Have someone else take your picture for you, because a self-portrait screams desperate loneliness.

Upload a current headshot and a full-body portrait of yourself. Kick it up a notch with a picture of you laughing. Generally, people make their decision based on the primary photo. There are online dating websites where you can upload up to 20 photos or more, so you can include a variety photos that can showcase your personality. Just make sure your primary profile photo is an accurate representation of what you really look like.

3. Write a clever profile.

Don’t sound apologetic. People don’t need you to tell them you’re not a writer or you’re not good in writing things about yourself. Be positive; let your character and personality shine through.

Women are generally more emotional than visual, so try to describe the many aspects of your personality as you can. Injecting humor and a little self-deprecation can be endearing. It is also a good way to get noticed.

4. Always be honest.

More often than not, guys lie about their height and gals about their weight. Since women take a few inches off what you put on your profile anyway, this doesn’t put you in the clear. If you’re just a 5’6” and her height requirement is at least 5’10”, just play by the rules and move on to the next. Or else, when you finally meet on your first date, get ready to be smacked in your lying little face.

Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2011

Tips on finding casual sex partners online

Looking for a one night stand? Would you like to travel and look for some flirt and sex when you get there? Are you looking for a casual sex partners? Or do you feel like flirting online on a chat or instant messenger? Well, finding now a casual sex partners is a lot easier than ever before. You don’t need to go to bars and pubs or travel around just to look for that somebody you can hook up with. Fortunately, the internet provides each and every one of us -- no matter what our looks or charm -- with the opportunity to "sell" ourselves online to a suitable (or completely unsuitable, as the case may be) woman, man or “other.”

Here are some more tips on finding casual sex partners online.

1. Get your identity, and make the best out of it. Most, but not all, of us want to find someone that is attractive, funny, intelligent, brilliant and fun to be with. But remember that first impressions last the longest; your profile is your sole 30 seconds at most, and the image is the first 20. When it comes to finding casual sex partners online, you won’t get any second chances, so make it good.

2. Go online. All you need is the capability to read, a personal computer and a connection to the internet. There are numerous dating websites where people all over the world offer themselves up for all sorts of things, like finding a casual sex partners. Get list of hookup sites. There are those sites that are for free and there are those pay sites.
Start yourself by signing to different websites. Create your profile, upload your best pictures and fill out some questionnaires and/or quizzes to help women identify if you are interesting to them or not.

3. Your next step is to go chatting. Essentially, the “if you knock on 10 doors, one will (theoretically) open” protocol works here. So, getknockin’. Email or message women and express yourself to get to know them better. Keep yourself charming, funny and have a mysterious effect about yourself- finding a casual sex partner is not about getting to know each other’s favorite food, color and pets’ names. Don’t expect to be welcomed with open legs by every woman you talk to, and make sure you put your best foot forward, and not in your mouth.

4. It is dating time! When you feel that everything is ok, and you feel that there is already a spark between you and your online partner, then, go ask a woman you have built up a rapport and mutual interest with on a date in a public place.These dates will be when you eventually get laid.

These are 4 essential easy steps on finding casual sex partners online. So, go and try it now. Good luck and Enjoy!

Adult friends - tips on how to meet them

Finding adult friends and the real one are not as difficult as you think.Why? Because internet has come along our way! The internet has created mass opportunities, for us busy people, most especially in meeting, dating and gaining friends. There are lot of social networking site and online dating sites that we can join to meet and make new friends… many many friends!

Here are the 5 few tips to you must know to meet those smart, real good adult friends:

Step 1 Create a solid profile. This is the first thing that a searcher will look into; this is where they will have a first impression to you. So, be sure that you will be spending a lot of time creating and making your profile the best one. You should really invest a lot of effort in making it. Your profile may include basic information of yours such as your age, sex and location. Be honest and never ever lie. Tell your fat, if you are. Tell your true complexion. Tell you are married etc. You may never want anyone to get disappointed when they get to know you in person. Having some pictures of you and customized avatars would be a big help to convince them that you are the real deal, and be sure to upload the current one. It would also be a great idea if you could sign up to several popular networking sites for them to know you better. The main goal here is to stand out and get yourself noticed.

Step 2 Observe scammers and be sure that your adults friends online are real. After doing the first step, it is time for you to do the checking. Try to get her personal email address but don’t push too much or you may sounds that you are too desperate about her. Searching her accounts on other major social networking sites is also a good idea. Also, it is important that if you had registered her as your friend in your own account then you should have the access to view her other photos in different settings and angles, because if you can’t then there is the possibility that she must be hiding something to you. Never comment anything such as “You're so pretty" and the like, otherwise, he may think you are a stalker. Just be cool and put a little sense of humor.

Step 3 Be cool, put a little sense of humor and be honest. Try to project your personality through the way you speak with them. You may present yourself as a simple person. Avoid boasting physical features and wealth, although it may attract a certain number of women, most women think you are an idiot that depends on those features.

Step 4 Once conversation has established between you and your partner online, have a mindset like "I want to know you better”. Stay focused and pay attention to her stories, this may look that you are really interested to her. Questions like "How long have you been a member of this site?" is a good start to make a conversation. Keep the conversation flowing, ask about thing she likes and she don’ts, try to find a "common ground" between the two of you because this will serve as the bond you will share along the way.

Step 5 Always stay connected. This would be the final step, if the time comes that the conversation has come to end, simply ask questions like “When could we chat again?” Successful first date must consider a second, third and so on numbers of meeting. Afterwards, you may purse on meeting her personally when opportunity comes in.

Lunes, Oktubre 10, 2011

Sex Tips Online - Don't come!!

As you might have heard on multiple occasions, by the time most men are ready to come, women are only getting started and this mere fact often leaves women feeling unsatisfied, and men feeling guilty. One widespread recommendation for men is to make sure that their partner has had at least one orgasm before penetration begins…this way, if they were to come very fast, the woman wouldn’t be left to feel like they missed out.

A not so common approach to this but one that is worth looking into, is training the man in cooling down techniques, so they can delay their own orgasm for when the woman has already been satisfied. In the next lines, we’ll discuss some of the ways in which you can delay yourself in benefit of your partner…we’re aiming at options that don’t include imagining dead puppies, or some weird thing like that!! So here it is some sex tips online that you can definitely use

1. Stop before the point of no return. There is definitely an ejaculatory threshold which, once crossed, is impossible to reverse. Therefore, remember, it’s always best to stop too soon than too late. With practice, you’ll come sooner and sooner to that threshold without crossing it (unless you choose to do so of course).

2. Pressing on your penis or perineum. Pressing the tip or base of your penis with your thumb and fingers can decrease your urge to ejaculate. This is obviously awkward during lovemaking so a more convenient technique at that time might be pressing your perineum. This will help to focus your attention and interrupt the ejaculatory reflex. Pressing anywhere on the perineum can help but if you press on the so-called “Million Dollar Points” is most effective. This point is is just in front of the anus but before the root of the penis.

3. Breathe. When you are approaching the point of no return, you will be breathing in much more quickly. Therefore, you will need to breathe in deeply or altogether holding your breath for several seconds until the urge to ejaculate subsides.

4. Contract your PC muscle. Your PC muscle surrounds your prostate, through which semen passes during the expulsion phase of orgasm. When you squeeze your prostate you can stop yourself from going from contraction to expulsion.
Mastering this art will make for countless fun alone or with your partner.

I hope you enjoyed our article today. For more sex tips online go to Citysex blogs offers quite a great batch of articles that will help you in your love and sex life. If you are also single and is looking for your perfect match or just someone to have fun with, then it is also the place for you. Check it out today.

Miyerkules, Agosto 3, 2011

Clichés in Singles Online Dating Profiles

You most likely encounter dating clichés on a daily basis.  Those easy one-liners you manage to put on your singles online dating profile or tell a friend who is going through a break-up.  Just because they have been around for some time doesn’t mean they’re true, right?  Let’s break down a few of these online dating clichés.

“I don’t play games.”

Of course, you don’t! Now, who in their right mind would actually say they love playing games in a relationship? A smart person wouldn’t want to let people know they want to mess with people’s fragile hearts. Saying this is quite unnecessary because it doesn’t hold any meaning.

“I’m not looking for anything.”

Sure, so what are you doing on this dating site anyway? You spend time and money on signing up for an online dating site and you say you’re not looking for anything? This cliché is a problem for a few reasons. One, it drives away potential dates because by putting this on your profile, you’re cutting out the rest of the people who are looking for “something.” This cliché implies that you are just there to have a good time or maybe because you’re just bored. Whatever it is you are looking for, don’t keep it to yourself.  Let the world know—someone else might be looking for it too.

“I just want to be friends first.”

This is quite absurd in so many ways. You are on an online dating web site, not on a “new friends” site.  You might start communicating with someone and realize the spark is just not there, but have loads of common interests. It’s only then that you might end up as friends. However, this is not the main reason why you signed up to go online dating, right? Having this on your profile might make you think you are protecting yourself from the romantic pressures brought about by online dating. But what this sounds like to a person reading your profile is you are not serious in finding a partner and don’t want to get attached.

None of these three statements are attractive, so skip these clichés when dating online. You may even skip online dating entirely if all you really want is to have new friends.

Get Laid Tonight Tips For Women

Some say that women need only exist, to spark a man’s interest but with times changing, men are becoming more and more selective about the partners they choose (although we are special on our way we need to accept this fact that men are getting choosy every minute that passes by).  This is why, if you want to get a laid, you need to really work on your pick up lines to get that special man’s attention and retain it.  Some tips worth considering are:

1.  Soothe his ego with comments pertaining to his body and general looks.  That will put him at ease and make your time together much more enjoyable. Men like to be praise and appreciated. If they feel this in you then they will stick with you.

2.  Comment on those of his accomplishments that are visible to you at the moment of your encounter. More praises means more points to men.
3.  Spice up your approach with some sense of humor.  Crackup some jokes. Or tell enjoyable stories that you just experienced. Men love relaxed and easy going women, especially if they are meeting for the first time. They love them because they feel that the women have a manly part on her (that is not to take everything seriously).

4.  Comment on your interest on one or more of the topics which evidently interest the man of your choice. Talking back or speaking out on a certain topic that interest a man definitely take the night into the next level.

5.  Turn the tables on him and invite him for a drink instead of waiting for him to take the initiative.  He’ll find your move refreshing. This is not conservative. But who cares? Believe it or not, men dig chicks that initiate first. So if you want to get laid tonight, give some hints fast. If he likes you then he will definitely take you for tonight. But if does not, he will turn you down faster than a bullet so no harm done.

Remember girls, the contents of your pick up line are extremely important, because they say a lot about you and the way you think.  May that first impression you emit be fruitful in many hours of pleasurable experiences with your new man!

Hookup For Sex Tips

There are a lot of ways to attract a mate and hookup for sex. The first thing to do is not to deny it and be straight to your goal. Come on! Don’t tell me that you are not looking for that. You go out at night and go to a club or bar, and that is what you are looking for. Be true.

You don’t need to spray yourself down with pheromones, you don’t need drugs, you just need some wit, a keen sense of perception, and to be ready to handle rejection. If you want to score, you need to play the numbers, think of it like the lottery, how many tickets do people play before they win? You need to be ready to handle yourself, and that means confidence. One way to build confidence is to get laid, and the more you get laid, the more confident you will be. Just be sure and be safe, always use your head.

clubs singles or restaurant hoping to pick up chicks, you need to be comfortable. You need to look good, but don’t wear something that is way out of your element. The way you look is not as important as the way you feel, and the guy wearing a plaid jacket with dusty work boots on is picking up chicks because he is confident. When you approach a woman that you want to get with, you need to study her a bit first. Look at her, don’t stare at her tits or ass, but look at what she is wearing, notice the accessories, bracelets, necklaces, earrings. Take a look at her hair, and if you are close enough, see if you can pick out any distinct scents in her perfume. You don’t have to be creepy, just be yourself.

Full of confidence, and with a renewed sense of empowerment, you make your move. Base your introductory line on something she is wearing, her earrings or bracelets. What a woman wears, she puts a lot of care into choosing, so if you notice it she will immediately know you are not some superficial asshole.

Find Hook up Lines or Throw Them Out

Just when you think you’ve heard it all…along comes a genius who actually has the audacity to spit out the following hook up line: “Are you in pain?” To which the wondering victim replies “No, why?” And oh yes, the punchline: “Because it must have hurt to fall from the sky, you’re an absolute angel”

Having said this, let us talk hook up lines. The 10-15 words you first say are often the most important. Seriously guys, if you want to find hook up lines then stop! If you ever want to get laid again, you need to improve your approach tactics and today’s example is a definite no in our book, or any prospect’s book. So definitely scratch it out from yours! But apart from that, other things speak volumes about you that you may have no control over. If you are trying to pick up chicks in a mustard stained hoodie outside of the mall, you aren’t going to get very far.

To pick up women, you don’t need to be James Bond either, but you can adapt some of his techniques. You need to be observant, not to the point that you are freaking the girls out, but notice the little things. Women go to great lengths to feel good about them, and you should pick up on that. If you are hitting on a co-worker, which is a great idea, you need to buck up and pay attention. Often a new haircut will go unnoticed, or if she wears a new outfit to work, comment on that, but keep it respectful. Comment on jewelry, and if your relationship is good enough, even go so far as to comment on her perfume. These hints will let her know that she matters to someone, and she may start dressing up better for your enjoyment.

Whenever you can, keep things polite, and only take things further after she has let you know that she is interested. You don’t want to fall into the friend category, as this is like chaining your manhood up to the wall in regards to sexual possibilities with your prospective girl.

Our style of choice remains that of plain sincerity. If you are out there and you happen to scope out somebody worth getting your ass out of the chair for, then a simple smile and hello should do the trick. If your mere presence doesn’t spark the other party’s interest then chances are, nothing that comes out of your mouth will be able to change that first impression you’ve made. So tip of the day is, your first line of offense is composed by your looks. So focus on keeping your fly up and your lunch out of your teeth for starters! Whatever you do, just remember to have fun, stay true to yourself, and stay positive. These will surely turn your hookup date into a success.

When Sex with Partners Equals Less or None

We can call our era one of sexual liberation. Our generation has pretty much inherited all this freedom and openness, without putting forth any sort of effort. Maybe because of that, we take sex with partners for granted and treat it like just any other pleasure we need to have, like watching a new movie or shopping for new clothes. We see it as the logical option to make our partner stay in our relationship. But there are still many people who choose abstinence and wait until the day of their wedding. Now, there are those who will flat out not get involved in any sort of sexual practice - those are the radicals. Zero sex. But since we live in the era of light versions of everything. How about light abstinence?

Such a concept has many levels we can think of or that we’ve witnessed. On one hand there are those people who will not engage in any sort of penetration - anal or vaginal; but will give other practices such as masturbation and oral sex a go. Then there are those who will only have anal penetration so that technically, they’ll still be virgins on their wedding night. Obviously they equate virginity with possessing an intact hymen, which is a pretty narrow-minded vision of it.

The reasoning behind adopting these versions of abstinence varies greatly. On one hand there are religions that condemn fornication, and so some give it up in order to save their soul. Then there are many who have had negative experiences in the past, or who have great insecurities so they decide to not engage in sex to avoid getting hurt somehow.

Finally there are a great number of people who practice abstinence for health reasons, mainly to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. The huge problem here is that people ignore that many practices which are alternative to penetration, can result in contracting an STD. From oral sex to anal penetration, nothing is 100% sure and so it’s important to always use effective protection from the beginning… or to flat out practice old fashioned abstinence, which means nothing.

You might be pissed off if ever your partner in sex decides to do abstinence. The solution is to offer his/her mild abstinence. But remember, whatever you and your partner in sex decide, you should respect his/her belief and opinion regarding sex if you truly love him/her. If they want to wait until the wedding day, then wait. Great things come for those who wait.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011

Online Dating Advice: 10 Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

If you have been noticing something different about your girlfriend in recent days you have been together, there must be something up. If she has been acting strange and distant, you might want to solve the growing mystery in your relationship. Here are signs of cheating that can definitely the truth on your girlfriend:

1. She has a “secret” male friend. Your girlfriend never had the interest to introduce you to this friend of hers. She would probably tell you he’s gay, has a girlfriend or married.

2. She is always busy. She has been declining your invitations to go out. This may be a drastic or subtle change from her routine.

3. She cuts your connection with her. You start to have a hard time communicating with her. She starts to tell you different reasons why she has not been returning your messages or replying to your emails.

4. She is not sweet anymore. She doesn’t return your “I love yous” to her. There is now the absence of sweet talk/sweet nothings.

5. She is now distant even to your family and friends. Cheaters feel guilty. This is the reason why your girlfriend starts to avoid your family and friends. This is her way of coping from guilt.

6. There is an increased frequency of nagging, even if there is no reason at all. This is a way of covering her tracks. She may demand a lot to keep your mind busy so you won’t think you’re on to her.

7. She becomes secretive of her schedule. She doesn’t want you to know what she’s up to.

8. She answers her phone calls in an unusual manner. She may answer in a different tone of voice or may hang up the phone immediately.

9. She hides her personal gadgets from you, like her laptop and mobile phone. She starts letting you know to stay away from her personal belongings. She instantly deletes her phone messages and all the calls that come in and out of her mobile phone.

10. She has a different overall attitude. She is not the same person you fell in love with.

Despite all these signs, it is advisable to not be immediately judgmental. These signs are just a guideline to help you detect if your girlfriend is cheating on you or not. You must still collect evidences and look for witnesses before you start throwing accusations. It is still smarter to mend a relationship that’s on the rocks. Remember, love is best experienced by two people who have mutual feelings for each other.

How to Lessen the Risks of Online Dating

It is a well-known fact that there is a huge number of users across the globe enjoying the benefits of online dating. This has led to a regularly increasing number of people eager to experience the world of online dating.

Online dating has its pros and cons. You are definitely not 100% guaranteed to have a safe online dating experience because one reason is you are not sure of the intentions of the other individual interested in you. There are also the same risks as with traditional dating, but there are ways around it so you could have a relatively safe and controlled online dating experience.

Refrain from putting too much personal information in your profile.

You may be tempted to meet him anyway because you feel that the person you’re chatting with is the nicest and most harmless person you’ve ever known. However, the truth is you don’t know him totally to trust him fully. This is the reason why it takes time for you to get to know the person you are having a series of conversations with. You should find time to check how truthful and sincere the person is.

Avoid putting false profile information.

There are a lot of people who upload photos that misrepresent themselves. How can you foster honesty and sincerity if you can’t even be honest to yourself?

Use separate email addresses for each online dating site you use.

This keeps your personal email address private. If you feel that the individual you have been in contact with for sometime is starting to be deceitful, you can have an easy way out by severing this line of communication from him.

It is just simply smart to stay away from certain people at online dating sites.

If there are people who want to meet you in person at the soonest possible time, persuade you to share intimate personal information immediately, give you inconsistent information, and are unresponsive or unclear in their responses to your queries, it is best to stay away from them.

Lastly, when in doubt, it is always smart to not respond if there are undesirable people trying to get in contact with you. You can always report the undesirables to the online dating site’s administrator immediately. Be smart and have a wonderful online dating experience.

How Does Online Dating Work?

Online dating has been hot over the years since its inception. However, there are still critics everywhere, griping about the negative aspects of online dating. They say that it’s not safe, it’s very ineffective, and it doesn’t foster a serious kind of relationship. It cannot be denied that there may be some truth to this, but it is definitely much safer to go online dating than meeting strangers at the bar. As a matter of fact, there are proven ways on how to effectively connect with people online. These ways serve as invaluable guidelines to follow and the process can help nurture a mature and serious type of online relationship.

Online dating is truly a safe environment mainly because trusted online dating sites have a strict screening process. Most dating sites follow the golden rule of not disclosing your personal information unless it is specified by the individual. Each individual undergoes a tight screening process that touches on the many areas of his/her history. There are some sites that go the extreme. They actually conduct a complete background check of participating individuals. So if safety is your main concern, there is no reason to worry.

It might surprise a lot of people if they find out that online dating is truly an effective endeavor. Ask yourself this: if you are having a conversation in a restaurant or a bar with someone you are interested in, how long does it take you to know basic personal information about him/her? You would want to know a few things like religious insights and things you have in common which can define the relationship you are trying to get into. It may take some time for others to get to know these things. But with online dating, all this information is readily available in a few clicks of a button.

Online dating is considered to be a faster way for people to connect. You won’t have to waste time and effort to find out the answers to the most common dating questions, trying to find out your compatibility. This is the reason why online dating is more effective than trying to meet someone at the bar. The activity can encourage mature, long-term relationships and discourage shallow, one-night stands.

There is no question that everyone wants a mature kind of relationship, but they have no idea where to start. This is the reason why online dating can be a helpful and effective way to go because it facilitates and equips you with the proper tools for anyone who is looking for a serious relationship but don’t know exactly where to begin. There are several helpful articles and proven tips that can point you to the right direction of successful online dating.

If you are really interested to dive into the world of online dating, the first thing you have to do is look for a good online dating site. The site will be able to guide you through an effective process in finding your ideal mate. Just provide them with the right kind of information and the best photo you have, and you’re ready to go.

How to Snag a Date Online

Online dating has had a pretty negative stigma since its early inception. Since lot of people have now been spending most of their time in front of a PC, it is only logical that we might as well multi-task and make use of this time to meet someone online. Whether you’ve given it a go before and got burned, had mixed results, or an online dating virgin, there has never been a better time to give it a shot than right now.

There are quite a number of popular dating sites that have been operating since online dating began. There are the traditional sites which have now opened its doors to same-sex matching, and then there are special sites suited for specific demographics like wealthy individuals, rural dwellers, and even sci-fi geeks. Who knows? You just might snag that perfect summer date. If you are still shy as a scaredy-cat, try to take on a few Q & As we’ve listed to help you create your online dating profile that get real results.

What are the common apprehensions and fears of people during the first 30 days of online dating?

They usually say that it “means something about them” when they go online to find love/romance/a partner/sex. They have this certain fear of not finding anyone “like them,” and if anybody they know finds out, it will be embarrassing. Many people switch to online dating after they’ve tried the traditional approach of meeting singles, and enter the world of online dating a bit frustrated, wanting a magic bullet to hit them.

What are the general feelings and emotions connected to the first 30 days of posting a profile on an online dating site?

There is loads of expectation, anxiety, excitement, frustration, confusion, fear and elation. The whole experience really goes through a lot of emotions; the whole gamut. There is so much that depends on your profile as a whole, including your photo. The challenge is marketing yourself in a unique manner so you can stand out from the rest of the pack and attract individuals who will respond to your profile. It is normal to transition from different emotions in the first 30 days, depending on the expectations you bring to this experience.

What are the common mistakes people make in posting their profiles?

The most common are using old photos, bad photos, and photos that don’t really represent you. There are other things like writing boring profiles which don’t help you at all in setting you apart from the crowd so you could provide a hook to catch the partner you are looking for.

Individuals invest a lot of their time in creating a desirable virtual relationship, only to meet somebody later on and be disappointed. The important thing about online dating is not having too many expectations. People should just relax and enjoy the whole experience ‘cause you’ll never know who you might hit it off.

Sex Advice to Spice It Up

So you’re in a relationship and everything is great, even the sex…but let’s face it, after a while, even a lot of a good thing gets old. Here are some sex advice to spice it up. You have one of two choices: remain unsatisfied or doing something about it. Since obviously you want to fix the situation you have again, two choices: going behind your girlfriend’s back to have occasional sexcapades or convincing her to agree to an open relationship where you can both have sex with other people…key word being both, not just you.

Finding a woman who will be keen to this idea of an open relationship is quite difficult…but in all honesty, it has more to do with the fact that they haven’t been correctly sold on the idea, rather than it not being something they could get into. If you’re going to be a salesman here, make sure you know your product and the benefits it can reap for her; ’cause if you focus on what you’re going to get out of it, it’s just not going to happen!

Most women think that sex leads to love and thus they’ll be hesitant about you sleeping with other women because in their head, you screwed, fell in love and left her out to die, all in one date! So make sure that reassurance in the fact that your relationship with her is the top priority, is an important part of the plan. If she views this as an extra and not as something that can jeopardize her present state, your chances increase significantly.

It’s all about planting the idea in her head by exposing her to movies, outings and situations where she can experience or witness what bringing a third party, for pure sexual pleasure, would be like. Some ideas include renting tasteful porn to watch together or hitting a swingers club where she can see it’s all about sex and you leave the emotions at the door.

If you word it right, you can do this and add excitement to your current relationship.

Speed Dating – Is It Your Thing?

Time is money. And in the world of dating, where you invest in looking good and an outing, this phrase rings especially true. Often you need at least one first date to know if the new person you’re seeing is worth investing in. So how can you get past that first encounter without feeling you’ve invested in losers and concentrating your resources on really compatible and interesting prospects? There is such a thing known as speed dating which addressed exactly this concern. If you are really traditional then this is not your thing. But if you are open minded enough then better try speed dating to hookup with girls .

Speed dating was originally created within the Jewish community as a way for singles to meet. The practice became so popular that it has now extended to non-Jewish people and events of this sort are continually organized. Basically, men and women are rotated to meet each other over a series of short “dates” which last anywhere from 3-8 minutes depending on who is organizing. At the end of each interval, the organizer signals the group to let participants know that they must move on to the next single in line. And so on, until you’ve had a chance with all the available prospects. Once finalized, each participant hands the organizer the names of those he/she would like to get to know better and if there is a match, both are given the other’s contact information so they can arrange a more traditional date.

It’s an amazing option because you don’t feel pressured to accept or reject anybody on the spot…you don’t even have to give them your information…and if you are actually in a position to reconnect with this person, you know it’s because attraction is guaranteed. And that you already chose your match and get into the first step.

There are many such events being organized around the world and there’s now an online version of it. Certain such meetings can be geared to a specific group like: younger women with older men or Christians, etc. It’s just a matter of finding one that’s right for you. Online dating web site offers services like speed dating online, so find your dating site now and start looking for that perfect match of yours.

Online Dating Web Site Advantages

Online dating web site is probably the answer for men to hookup girls that have the same interest like them, and is also good in bed. Or simply whatever their type is. Nowadays, online dating web site, give you the opportunity to browse million of profiles for you to find your perfect match. So what are you waiting for? Get into online dating now and meet the hottest experience you had ever get.

All you single guys out there need to realize that there are a lot of girls out there waiting for you. You just need to realize that you are a man, assert your dominance, and no one can stand in your way. The only difference between you and those guys you see rolling in pussy is that they are self confident, and know they can get laid, while you have been too timid to ask.

The only way you will change this is by making a change in your character, manning up, and asking some women out. You just need to step up once, and your life will be changed. If you have struggled to get girls, a very solid option is online dating, where you can meet a lot of women at once. There are other advantages too, as meeting chicks online is a lot less time consuming, and you can hone in on girls with the same interests as you.

People have turned to online dating web site for many reasons these days, and the biggest one is time. With more and more hours going into work these days, guys like you and me have to do something, so, the Internet has become a massive market for guys that need to get laid, but don’t have enough time to meet and greet, spend 3 months dating a chick only to have her leave because you were not eager enough to make a move.

So, avoid the awkward silences, strange difficulties, and weirdness by meeting and hooking up with girls on the Internet. You can chat up 10-15 at a time, and as there is a massive shortage of real men in this world, once you get started, why stop? Fuck a different girl every day, and really assert your dominance over the world. Be sure and check out all the best site for online dating info at

Adult Dating Services Online is For You

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Meet Single People Tips For Daring Dater

So, you meet single people in your local bar and you already had your eye on that beautiful and sexy lady. You talk to her and it turns out that she likes you too. Next thing you know, you got your date back to your place, and you want to know what to do to make things much more memorable and explosive? Well there are a few things that will change the way she remembers you forever, as the first impression is very important. Once you get down to business, all sexy like, what’s next?

Here is a quick breakdown of some awesome sex tips to make things better for you when you are actually fucking the hot young Asian chick you picked up at the karaoke bar.

You need to remember to have some lube on hand, as not all girls lubricate properly. As well as lube, always have extra condoms. This will serve two purposes, if you fuck more than once, you are covered, but also, it will show the girls that you bring back to your place that you are well prepared, and have their best interests at heart. And it will definitely cut off unwanted problems and pregnancy along the way.

So, aside from condoms and lube, what else? Well, light some incense, aromas tingle the senses, and set the mood. Scented candles are a good option. You basically want to create a sexually charged mood, so that once you get down to fucking, it’s so much better.

Opt for a sexy massage over a glass of wine. Have your girl sit in front of you on a cushion on the floor while you sit on the couch or a chair behind her. Rub her shoulders and neck and par special attention to her ears and the base of her skull. Erogenous areas abound there, and you will get the juices flowing. Make sure to put some scented lotion if you have one too. Add some erotic messages along the massage and he’ll swoon crazy for you.

Throw in a bit of heated massage oil, and you will be set. It all comes down to overwhelming her. Let her feel the pressure of wanting you badly first and making her want to do nothing more than to ravage your cock. So check out all the best sex and dating tips at Be sure and go for it, you have nothing to lose.

How To Hookup With Girls Fast

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Partners in Sex Tiny Issue

Dear Doctor:
I met this guy in an online dating web site a couple of months ago. We spoke almost on a daily basis until he proposed that we meet in person. I was hesitant but I agreed to do so. We met at my place, dropped off my car (since I was just getting there from work) and we left together, in his car, to his place…. yes, yes, pretty retarded of me I know. Anyways, once there, the attraction was evident and we started making out…one thing led to another and we ended up in bed…. I was ready and willing and all of a sudden he whips out the smallest dick I’ve seen in my life! It seriously wasn’t worth pulling my panties down and so I panicked because I was already in a very compromising position. Did I mention he was a virgin for religious reasons? So I kind of took advantage of that and stopped him dead in his tracks, going on about how if he had waited this long, I really didn’t think this is how he should loose his virginity… that he should wait and think about it a bit more, etc. I then proceeded to help him whack off, to prevent blue balls and came out of the situation like a princess for putting him first! ha Thing is apparently he’s thought about it some more and wants to go ahead with the deed…. I of course, wouldn’t be caught dead with that dick! So how do I go about this without hurting his feelings? It’s a shame too, ’cause he’s really hot!

Dear Reader:
Let’s start out by agreeing with you on the statement you made about your stupidity…not only did you show an absolute stranger where you live and what time you usually get home from work…but you got in his car, to go to his house, totally putting yourself at risk for very unpleasant situations. Pardon me but since you brought it up…I just had to run with it, because part of having fun is being safe, otherwise you can’t let go you know?!

Anyways, with that out of the way, let us begin by saying that if there is hardcore attraction between the both of you, there is hope. There are so many sexual practices you guys could engage in without you having to be taunted with that tiny weaner: oral sex, making out, masturbation… hey, maybe even anal sex could be a good idea taking advantage of the fact that he’s so small…it could be a good thing! It’s all a matter of whether you are willing to give up vaginal penetration with this guy and quite frankly, I don’t really think that’s necessary. Even the smallest dick can give you an orgasm since your clitoris is positioned outside your vagina precisely for that purpose. So don’t underestimate what he can do with his little sword of love.

Partners in sex should not think of the size but rather the performance. What I would say poses the biggest challenge here, is not his size but rather his inexperience, since you mention that he is a virgin. He probably doesn’t know much about the mechanics of sexual pleasuring so you might want to hint or just come out and suggest certain sources where he can educate himself. Have you ever discussed how much of a virgin he is? I’ve heard of people who call themselves virgins because they haven’t engaged in genital penetration but have mastered many other sexual techniques. Maybe he’ll flat out surprise you… some people have natural rhythm you know?! In my opinion, you can’t really knock it, ’til you’ve tried it. What do you have to lose other than a couple of hours?!

If you give it a shot and you’re still not convinced … or if just looking at his tiny schlong is too much of a turnoff, then I suggest you let him down gently. I wouldn’t mention sexual incompatibility ’cause why beat a dead horse huh? He must know how tiny and inexperienced he is…why would you rub it in his face? Mention something like you not feeling comfortable to be the one to “deflower” him and that you’re not ready for a relationship, which is the only situation in which you personally would feel comfortable going ahead and doing the deed with him. My point is, if his size is something you just can’t get past, then don’t even try going the first route I suggested, ’cause chaces are, you’ll frequently end up with his dick in your hand and him wanting to poke you with it. And then excuses are just going to get really old, really fast!

I personally think strong attraction is rare and it’s always a shame to squander it. Give the poor bastard a shot and if after that you still feel like it’s not worth your time, then you can give him the boot! You can always “refer” him to one of your petite friends…what seems tiny for you might be exactly right for somebody else and it won’t make him feel so undesirable since you still think he’s a good enough catch to send one of your friends his way! Again, you’ll be the princess of the story for putting him first and it seems you get off on that…. so it’s a winning suggestion.

Dating Two Women Advice

Dear Doc:
I’ve been dating two women at the same time, for months now. I haven’t been disloyal with anybody, they both know of each other’s existence and have been ok with it up until now. I guess they were both thinking they could totally win me over so that I would then cut the other one off but that hasn’t happened. I was crystal clear with both of them as far as not being interested in a monogamous relationship and so I have no problem with continuing to see them both.

The problem is, that they’ve both become impatient and they’ve started to fight over me…at first it was sutile, a comment here, a comment there, but now it’s flat out war and it has become unbearable. I don’t want to lose either one of them but Idon’t think I can put up with this any longer. How do I go about this?

Dear Reader:
Most westerners are trained to view monogamy as the desirable status, although it’s not always easy to accomplish it. It seems like in your case, you have been clear about your intentions, and, as such, there is no room for bickering since nobody has been misled. As you say, both this women probably agreed to your setup because they both figured they could win you over and then you’d naturally want to be with just one of them. What a fiasco for both these women!! Hookup with girls- with two girls is never easy for the three of you. It goes to prove one must always take a person’s word and not assume anything.

With that said, you have several options. Speak to both of them again and let them know that you are tired of the arguing and will leave both of them if it doesn’t stop since you are not going to choose just one. If you go down this route, make sure you’re ready to leave them though, or else it will just get uglier once they’ve broken the agreement and you don’t come thru with your threat.

Another option is to really sit down and think about these women to see if there really is one you can leave. That would probably put and end to this nuisance and you can go about your days peacefully. One important thing to mention though, is that if you leave one of these women, you best not think of replacing.

Sex with Partner Getting Worse Advice

Dear Doctor Sexalewitz:
I love sex but have a hard time coming from penetration alone. When I’m with my boyfriend he gets defensive about this and won’t do anything to help me climax after he has come…leaving me feeling unsatisfied and hurt over his selfishness. This in turn, makes sex with partner , worse and worse every time. How can I approach this without getting into an argument?

Dear “Explotion waiting to happen”:
If a guy wants to get off with a woman, without contributing much (or anything) to her pleasure, he pays a hooker…it’s that simple. For most guys, if you’re in a relationship, your pleasure is greatly enhanced by the pleasure you are able to give your partner; and you end up feeling like a bad lay if your woman is left unsatisfied. Guy are taught that their manhood greatly depends on their sexual performance so if he feels you’re unsatisfied, where does that leave him?

My main recommendation is that you speak about this outside the bedroom. When you’re both butt naked in bed and ready to get a laid , he’s extremely sensitive and will surely act in a defensive or hurtful way…shutting down all possibility of communication. So choose a time when you are both relaxed and can have a conversation without being interrupted. Whip out some statistics about women’s difficulties to climax by penetration alone (you are actually part of a majority, there’s nothing wrong with you)… this will make him feel like it’s not directly related to his performance, thus lowering his defensiveness. Explain how it’s important for your relationship that you both enjoy and that this will translate into better sex overall. Finally proceed to give him some tips of how to make you come, since he obviously has no clue what to do other than pump his pecker!! This will hopefully improve your sexual relationship and if he doesn’t listen up…then I don’t know what to tell you…maybe you need to look for a partner who is concerned about your enjoyment.

Hookup Date To Find The Right Guy

Dear Doctor Sexalewitz:
I am a single woman who has been unable to find the partner that I have set out to find. It seems that I, like many other women I know, am just in a different state of mind, from that of men. It’s not that I don’t meet guys but they all seem to be out to have a good time and quite frankly, I’m done with the one night stands and other casual sex. What is wrong with men?! And where should I find hookup date that will help me find the right guy?

Dear Reader:
There tends to be a gender difference in the way men and women approach dating. Men generally want to have fun, have sex, and try out the relationship before deciding the future. Women generally focus on the future and are most security-minded when dating. These two polar approaches result in misunderstanding. Many women despair of finding a commitment-minded man, and men complain that women are too serious, focused on evaluating and catching them, and that dating isn’t fun.

Men and women should be clear and honest with each other about whether they are ready and looking for a committed relationship, or if they just want to have fun in a recreational relationship . If your agendas and goals for dating don’t match with theirs, then move on. Don’t be afraid to state what you’re looking for; if you are rejected, the other person is doing you the favor of deciding for you that there is no future together, which frees you up to find someone more aligned with you.

Dating Married Men Advice

Dear Doctor Sexalewitz:
I’m 26 and single at the moment. I work in a call center, surrounded by a bunch of men with which I have super cool relationships. We joke a lot but it’s all in good fun. There is one coworker though, who is very flirtatious and I am to confess so am I. He’s gorgeous. I’m really attracted to him and I know he is into me as well…. only thing is he’s married. I know that dating married men is very complicated. He’s on his second marriage and apparently very unhappy but I don’t want to become a cliché. I have my principles and they include showing respect for the institution of matrimony but shit… my defenses are about to crash and burn! What do I do working everyday in the midst of this situation?

Dear Reader:
You have said it yourself, there is nothing more cliché than the married man’s claim to an unhappy marriage. I’ve always thought, personally, that if it were such an unpleasant situation, they would be divorced and there wouldn’t be an issue with dating. Then again, there are so many reasons why couples stay together…and so many of those reasons have nothing to do with love. You know what I mean? Some are into it for money, for the kids, for society, for fear of being alone… there are as many reasons are there are people. No matter the reason though, those are his reasons and you should focus on what you want for yourself.

I’m not your parent so don’t expect a lecture…but as a professional I am to say that I have yet to meet a lover who is happy in the long term…be it male or female…being second in line always gets old and painful at some time in the story. So I say stay true to your principles and look away. Dating married men will always be trouble no matterwhat. Maybe you can ask for a change of department at work so you don’t have to see him as much … or better yet, sway your attention on one of the single hotties there surely must be around you.